Gentse Feesten Parade


You don't really need a program to visit the Gent Festivities – it's more often a case of sauntering from one place to another – going where the music takes you – running into old friends…


But now and again it pays to know where a certain event will take place – because there are some pretty nifty goings on you'd miss out on otherwise…

So each year I take the trouble of browsing through all the different leaflets to compose my very own Festivities scheme ;)


There’s an English section to the official Ghent Festivities website ;) So I'l just give a few pointers…



At 14.00 don't miss the grand opening Parade!



Got some energy left after yesterday? Start slowly today: make an enjoyable stroll along the Sunday markets accompanied by a friendly Town crier - start at 10.00 on the Kouter.

Join one of the daily free dance workshops organized by Trefpunt .

For those of you who like to sing, try and catch Chris on the Groentenmarkt (he always gets a lot of cooperation from his audience ;)



Weather permitting, you'll find me relaxing under the Duvel canopy for the apéritif

Afterwards, I might try Sarabande on the Graslei for a Lebanese meal…



For a bite to eat: try the Sicilian restaurant near Huis van Alijn on the Kraanlei and enjoy an evening concert.




Into flea markets? Head for the square in front of the St.-Pietersstation from 12 to 20!

If that gave you an appetite, check out The House of Eliott in the Jan Breydelstraat.




Early birds can make a reservation to join the crew for a look behind the scenes of how we deal with the tons of litter each day. There's a medieval breakfast afterwards!



Try our famous french fries: Filip on the Groentemarkt is your best bet + you can get half a liter of Palm beer just opposite.

Thus fortified, you're in good shape for the Polé Polé Festival on the Korenlei



How's this for a romantic night out? Visit the University Hothouse



You can explore Gent from a boat. Surf to the Boats of Gent



There's a pleasant market on the Graslei: from 15 to 23hrs…


There, that should give you enough of a taste to get you interested…

Have a good one!


Me, from A to Z
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